The Power of Being Unique: How Embracing Your Differences Can Make You a Better Leader

As a leader, trying to conform to established norms and fit in with the crowd can be tempting. But what if embracing your unique perspective and experiences could make you a better leader? Here’s why being different is an asset and how to leverage your differences to become a more effective leader.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

One of the most significant assets you have as a leader is your unique perspective and experiences. While trying to fit in and conform to established norms can be tempting, doing so can limit your effectiveness as a leader. 

Instead, embrace your differences and use them as a tool to stand out from the crowd.

Filter Out the Noise

One of the biggest challenges of being a leader is dealing with criticism and negative feedback. But you can become a more effective leader by learning to filter out the noise and focus on what matters. When faced with criticism, take a step back and ask yourself whether it’s something you can control. If not, let it go and focus on what you can control.

Leverage Your Differences

Once you’ve embraced your uniqueness and filtered out the noise, it’s time to leverage your differences to become a more effective leader. Use your unique perspective and experiences to bring new ideas, challenge established norms, and inspire your team to think outside the box.


Being a leader is more than fitting in and conforming to established norms. It’s about embracing your uniqueness and using it as a tool to stand out from the crowd. By filtering out the noise and leveraging your differences, you can become a more effective leader and inspire your team to greatness.

Dr. James D. Washington

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