The Role of Identity in Organizational Engagement

As an organizational leader, one of the most important aspects of my job is to ensure that all employees are engaged with the mission and goals of the organization. However, research shows that those who identify as members of a group are more engaged overall than those who identify as outsiders. This is where the role of identity comes into play.

What is Identity?

Identity is the way that we see ourselves and the groups to which we belong. It can be based on a variety of factors, such as race, gender, nationality, or profession. When we identify with a group, we feel a sense of belonging and connection to others who share that identity.

The Importance of Identity in Organizational Engagement

Research has shown that employees who identify with the organization and its mission are more engaged and committed to their work. This is because they feel a sense of ownership and connection to the organization, and are more likely to go above and beyond in their work.

The Role of Organizational Leaders

As an organizational leader, I help those who do not identify as members of the organization to connect with the mission and goals. This can be done by helping them understand the organization’s values and purpose and creating a sense of community and belonging within the workplace.

Belonging as an Internal Measure

Belonging is an internal measure that each employee must grapple with individually. While I can help to create a sense of community and belonging within the organization, it is ultimately up to each employee to decide how they identify and what groups they belong to.

Finding Bonds

When two outsiders begin to work together and find bonds, it is easier for them to bond over their shared belonging. Even if they do not initially identify as members of the organization, they can find connection and meaning in their shared experience of being outsiders. 


The role of identity in organizational engagement cannot be overstated. As an organizational leader, it is my responsibility to help employees connect with the organization’s mission and goals, regardless of their identity. We can foster engagement and commitment and achieve our goals by creating a sense of community and belonging.

Dr. James D. Washington

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