How My Doctorate Degree Has Helped Me in My Career

As someone who has multiple degrees, including a doctorate, I often get asked whether or not all of my years of schooling were worth it. While it’s certainly not for everyone, earning a doctorate was one of my best decisions. In fact, I often joke that if there was a degree higher than a doctorate, I’d have it!

But let me be clear: my doctorate was not a requirement for what I currently do. However, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t helped me in my career. Here are just a few ways that my doctorate has made a difference:

Focus and Discipline

Earning a doctorate requires a level of focus and discipline that few other pursuits demand. I spent years conducting research, analyzing data, and writing papers, all while juggling other responsibilities like work and family. This experience taught me how to manage my time effectively, prioritize tasks, and stay organized, skills that have served me well in my career.


Having a doctorate has given me a sense of confidence that I might not have otherwise. I know that I’ve earned a level of expertise in my field that few others have, and that gives me the courage to speak up when I have something to say. 

I’m not intimidated by titles or wealth, and I don’t shy away from challenging conversations or situations.


At the same time, earning a doctorate has also taught me the value of humility. While I’m proud of my accomplishments, I know there is always more to learn and discover. I’m open to new ideas and perspectives and willing to admit when I don’t know something.


Finally, having a doctorate has given me a sense of fearlessness when taking on new challenges. If I want to learn something new or gain experience in a particular area, I can develop a plan to make it happen. I’m not afraid to take risks or try new things because I know I have the skills and knowledge to adapt and succeed.

While a doctorate may not be necessary for every career path, it has been a valuable asset in my own. It has given me focus, discipline, confidence, humility, and fearlessness – all qualities that have helped me grow and succeed in my professional life.

If you’re considering pursuing a doctorate or other advanced degree, please do your research and weigh the pros and cons. It’s not an easy path, but the rewards can be significant for those who are up for the challenge.

Dr. James D. Washington

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