Motivation by Design: How Leaders Can Create Inspiring Work Environments

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

Leadership is often associated with motivating and inspiring team members. However, as an organizational leader, the role of a leader is not to motivate our workforce. Most employees come into work already motivated for various reasons, such as alignment with the organization’s mission and values or financial incentives.

Instead, I believe that the role of a leader is to identify and remove barriers that may hinder the motivation of team members. This involves understanding what motivates each individual on the team and finding ways to maximize those motivations. For example, if there is an employee who is motivated by financial rewards, as a leader, my job would be to identify opportunities for them to earn more money, such as providing incentives or creating pathways for promotion.

Similarly, if there is an employee who is motivated by helping others, my role as a leader would be to create an environment that allows them to make a meaningful impact and help more people. This could involve assigning them projects that align with their passion for helping others or providing them with resources and support to carry out their initiatives.

By identifying and addressing the unique motivations of each team member, leaders can create an environment where employees feel empowered and motivated to excel. This approach shifts the focus from external motivation, which may be short-lived, to intrinsic motivation that comes from within.

As a leader, my job is not to motivate the team but to remove barriers and create opportunities that amplify their individual motivations. By doing so, I can inspire and empower my team to achieve their best performance and contribute to the organization’s success.

Dr. James D. Washington

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