Earlier this week, I watched a video from Tyler Perry, and one of his key points was that in life, you would get to a point where you will want to either call it quits or delay your progress because of some unknown fear. His statement, “climb and maintain,” really hit me because that is what I have aspired to do my whole life. I can not recall a moment where I was extended a handout or a free ride. I was taught how to work hard, how to figure things out, and how to show up every day. And I mean every day, including holidays. I am grateful for the lessons I was taught, the challenges I had to overcome, and the victories that made it all worth it. There are two things that I attribute my upbringing to. First, the strength of God, walk by faith and not by sight, and second my parent’s role in shaping me to be a responsible adult. I know that I was not the model child, but who is. What I do see is that I made my formative years my own. I climbed and maintained.
All this to say, Happy Birthday, Dad. Thank you for teaching me how to work hard, how to show up, and how to conquer every goal. I am on my way to take mom and your vision and take it to the next level—billionaire status within the next decade.
Credit: Dr. James D. Washington, DBA