It’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to stay motivated and focused on the tasks and goals you have set for yourself. Whether it’s a big project at work orRead More
Category: Uncategorized
Immersive technology in organizational development
We have all heard the phrase the future is now yet most organizations have yet to implement immersive technology to aid in their staff development. What is organizational development? WhyRead More
Are Your Windows Clean?
We all have a set of go-to tools that we use to help make sense of new or complex ideas. These tools fit comfortably in one’s toolbox. One tool withinRead More
Celebrate the grace of God!
For God so loved the world. His grace is amazing and true. For God so loved the world he saved me and you. When I think of His grace, itRead More
Book Preview
Prelude At the age of 33, I died. Well, you may think, how is this story being told if you died? Ok I did not die but what would youRead More
Power vs. Empowerment
I am not power-hungry. I do not need a title to feel great. I do not see my role as a director to intimidate or make anyone else think theyRead More
The Dream Is Still Alive
The dream did not die on that fateful day. The dream was not fulfilled on that triumphant day. The dream is more so alive at this moment. The dream willRead More
Today is my Birthday (1/20/2021)
How does it feel to be 35? I feel like I can give you a short and long answer. The short answer. I feel thankful, grateful, and blessed to liveRead More
Open for Business
I currently only share about 20% of what I write with others. I question how my writing would change if I knew that one day millions of people would readRead More
Leadership That Lasts: Elements of the last supper
Leadership that lasts Bold I believe that the foundation of leadership that lasts begins with a level of being bold. Being bold is essential because one must overcome the fearRead More