As Jay Shetty once said, “Don’t judge the moment.” This line has stuck with me, and for good reason. No matter what happens in the moment, your memories of theRead More
Category: Communication
Master the art of effective communication and learn how to build strong relationships.
Always be Humble and Gentle: Lessons for Living a Meaningful Life
In the book of Ephesians, it says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” This quote isRead More
I Feel Most Alive When…
Everyone has those moments in life that make them feel truly alive. For me, there are a few key activities that get my blood pumping and make me feel likeRead More
The Importance of Remaining Curious for Learning and Growth
We all know the cliché: “the wisest person in the room is the one who knows they don’t know everything.” But have you ever stopped to consider why this isRead More
Making Everyone a VIP: A New Approach to Customer Service for Business Success
As the world becomes increasingly connected, the importance of customer service has never been greater. Customers have a massive level of choice, and they are more likely to switch brandsRead More
Motivation by Design: How Leaders Can Create Inspiring Work Environments
Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash Leadership is often associated with motivating and inspiring team members. However, as an organizational leader, the role of a leader is not to motivate our workforce. MostRead More
The Relationship between Learning and Employee Motivation: A Review of the Literature
Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash As an adjunct professor and organizational leader, I appreciate the importance of learning in the workplace. In fact, my personal experience has led me to believe thatRead More
The Top 3 Qualities Every Great Leader Must Have
Photo by Mapbox on Unsplash Introduction Leadership is an essential quality for success in any field. Whether you’re leading a team of employees, managing a project, or guiding a company to success, effectiveRead More
The Three Most Critical Qualities of a Successful Leader
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash As an organizational leader and adjunct professor, I’ve had the opportunity to observe and work with many successful leaders. Through these experiences, I’ve come to believe thatRead More
Breaking the Mold: Driving Change and Innovation in Healthcare
Photo by Jeriden Villegas on Unsplash As a healthcare director with over a decade of experience, I’ve learned that fostering innovation and driving organizational change requires more than just top-down directives and policyRead More