As a father of three, I have had my fair share of conversations with my kids. From learning to say “mama” and “dada” to more complex conversations about their feelingsRead More
The Art of Applying Knowledge: Why Reading is Only the Beginning
As an international adjunct professor and nonprofit executive, I often work with students and professionals who are passionate about various topics. However, today I want to discuss my passion –Read More
Unlocking Your Potential: The Importance of Believing in Yourself
The journey to becoming a healthcare executive and professor has not been an easy one, but I never let obstacles discourage me. I kept reminding myself of the advice thatRead More
Leap of Faith: Why I’m Betting on the Future Over the Past.
As a professional learner, I have spent countless hours studying the past, diving into the complexities of ancient societies and cultures. But when asked which era I would live inRead More
Time Travel: The Ultimate Sci-Fi Dream or a Potential Disaster Waiting to Happen?
Time travel has long been a staple of science fiction, capturing the imagination of generations of readers and viewers. But is it possible in real life? And if so, whatRead More
Think Again: The Book That Will Change Your Thinking Forever
Reading is one of the best ways to learn and grow, and as an avid reader, I am always looking for great books to add to my collection. Recently, IRead More
CEO Dreams: Building a Corporate Empire of Excellence
As a visionary professional, I aspire to become the CEO and chairman of a prominent international multi-conglomerate. The prospect of leading such an organization is both fulfilling and stimulating. IRead More
Discovering Your Passion: How I Started Making Beats as a Hobby
We all have unique interests and hobbies that we enjoy spending time doing. For me, making beats is one of my favorite pastimes. I first started during my freshman yearRead More
A New Kind of Freedom: What Would Happen If We Could Fly?
Imagine soaring through the skies, feeling the wind rush past your face, and experiencing the world from a new perspective. It’s a dream that many of us have had atRead More
The Time is Now: How to Optimize Your Day and Boost Your Productivity
In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious thing. As professionals, we all have numerous tasks and responsibilities that require our attention. However, with regular distractions and demands of ourRead More