The Power of Persistence: How I Learned to Learn

The Power of Persistence: How I Learned to Learn

Learning is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. However, only some find learning easy, and some individuals need help with their learning ability. As an adjunct professor with a doctorate in business administration and over ten years of experience in the healthcare field, I have experienced and overcome a significant personal challenge that has shaped my approach to learning.

My challenge was learning how to learn. As a child in elementary school, I had difficulty learning to read and write. While curious, I acquired reading skills more slowly than my peers. As a result, I was placed in a program called RSP (Resource Specialist Program) to develop my reading skills. I spent three years in this additional class, from the 3rd to the 6th grade. At the time, it did not feel like a significant setback, but it transformed the way I approached education.

The tools I learned in those formative years have helped me become an advocate for reading. I now spend a significant portion of my day reading. I wake up every morning and read two to three articles, spending time writing my thoughts or drafting plans for future books, blog posts, and business ideas. The habit of reading has helped me acquire knowledge, develop my analytical skills, and enhance my critical thinking abilities.

Overcoming my challenges has taught me that it is possible to achieve one’s goals with persistence and dedication. The experience has helped me become a better educator and mentor by enabling me to relate to students struggling academically. 

Dr. James D. Washington

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